3 Things to Look for in Your Migration Agent

Choosing your migration agent is as important as your decision to go to Australia. Whether you intend to study, get a job or simply have a good time, you need the services of an expert to help you in processing your request with the Australian Government.

You see, having the funds and all the necessary documentation does not guarantee your being granted a visa to travel to Australia. It is how your requirements are presented to the Australian Embassy case officer that will make all the difference. With all the very similar paperwork that get to these officers’ desks, how do you convince him or her that you do deserve to be granted a visa?

This is where the services of a migration agent comes in. With the wealth of experience under the agent’s belt, he or she would know exactly how to present your case so that favourable action is taken. That’s how important a migration agent is to your travel plans.

However, your choice of a migration agent should withstand a due diligence test. Google can help you, but here are some things you should look for:

1. MARA Registration

MARA or the Migration Agents Registration Authority, as the name implies is responsible for accreditation. And mind you, the requirements are stringent. These include a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice and a clean bill of health from the National Police, so to speak, among others. A search on the MARA website will give you the status of your migration agent.

2. Testimonials

Go through your migration agent’s website and find out if they have happy clients. This is one sure gauge of their success rate.

3. Empathy

Only when he or she has a good understanding of your case can your migration agent successfully help you present your case to the case officer for positive results. This can only result from genuine care from your migration agent, who will see you as a person with a unique situation and not just a customer.

We at World2Australia know exactly what it cost you to embark on your journey, not just the financial costs but also the emotional and psychological costs. Despite living in Australia for the last 20 years, Gloria Collins is very much in touch with her Filipino heritage. Hence, she never fails to deliver high quality services.


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